16+ years Member Opportunities
We continue to motivate and engage our 16+ years members by providing opportunities to continue their lifesaving journey through training opportunities, personal development programs, patrolling and sharing skills.
Lifesaving Awards
Our Club Chief Instructor organises inhouse training and connects members to external training opportunities to maintain and further develop lifesaving skills and attain further Lifesaving Awards. A list of upcoming training opportunities can be found on the homepage of the website (click here) and training is also advertised in the Club E-Newsletter.
Not sure what lifesaving awards are available? Click here to find out more details. Or contact the club’s Chief Instructor on email lifesavingtraining@pointleoslsc.com.au to discuss your options.
LSV Senior Programs
We offer 16+ years members opportunities to participate in a variety of Life Saving Victoria (LSV) senior programs such as:
- Under 18 Leadership Development Camp
- 18 – 25 Years Mentor Program
- Building Leaders Scholarship
- Blue Connections
Women in Lifesaving @ PointLeo
We provide women with the opportunity to build capacity which is an important and essential step in building awareness of gender equality and the ongoing evolution of women in leadership within lifesaving at the Club.
Pink Patrol – Point Leo SLSC was one of the early adopters of the dedicated Pink Patrol. Since 2019 Point Leo SLSC has been hosting a Pink Patrol as an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the women past and present in our club that have contributed to the successful club we are today. It is such an important mentoring and learning experience for all club members.
Ready 2 Lead – Each year the Club supports nominated members to attend the LSV course that aims is to assist all participants to recognise the impact they have as leaders, providing them with skills, structures sessions, and a targeted approach to support ongoing commitment to their development.
International Women’s Day Breakfast and Awards: Since their inception in 2018, Point Leo SLSC has been nominating our outstanding women in the Club for the annual LSV Awards ( <30 years, 30+years) that aim to celebrate and recognise the amazing contribution and breadth of women impacting lifesaving.
Past club IWD LSV Award recipients include:
2018 – Kim Williams, Iris Cassell
2019 – Brittany Morgenthaler, Tamara Brawn
2020 – Bridget Barnes, Sarah-Jo Mason
2021 – Romy Lipszyc, Michelle Royal-Hebblewhite
2022 – Ella Swaney, Kylie Clark
SLSA National Opportunities
Point Leo SLSC offers further support and endorsement for Surf Lifesaving Australia (SLSA) lifesaving leadership courses for nominated members:
- SLSA National Leadership College
- SLSA Leaders Masters Class
Point Leo SLSC offers two different types of patrols, the competition and the non-competition patrols.
For our more senior active members, we have the Wood-Chuck Patrol and the Legends Patrol that are non-competition patrol teams and welcome our senior patrolling members.
See our Patrols page for more information on patrolling at Point Leo SLSC.
Pride in Lifesaving @Point Leo SLSC
To build on LSV’s commitment to promoting LGBTQIA+ in lifesaving and the broader community, Point Leo SLSC is actively involved through regular season opportunities for members:
Pride March – Members of Point Leo SLSC regularly participate in the Pride March as part of Emergency Management Victoria (EMV). We join other Emergency Service agencies to show our support and celebrate diversity and inclusion of our club, the lifesaving industry and wider community we support.
Pride Patrol (Rainbow Patrol) – Point Leo has held a Pride Patrol each season since 2021 as an opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge our LGBTQIA+ communities, and to engage, educate and encourage action. Reach out to your Patrol Captain for details.
Do you have other skills to share?
You don’t need to be an active patroller to be involved at Point Leo SLSC.
We always need enthusiastic helpers around our active Club to inspire others – here are some great ways to get involved:
- First Aider
- BBQ Helper
- Support fundraising opportunities
- Support Grant Applications
- Participate in social events
- Club Carnival Supporter
- Club Maintenance supporter
- Mentors
- Administration
- Guest speaker
- Club history helper
- Coach
- Official
For further information on any of the opportunities listed please email: membershipdevelopment@pointleoslsc.com.au